Sunday, April 27, 2008

PUMPING IRON: My four entries

At this point, I've realised no-one reads this bit, so let's cut to the chase. The theme for my entries will be:
*Ahem*.... Now then. First, a look at my Gunea Pig (testing armour for Mr Stark):

And now, the armour itself.
Entry #1: Ridiculously Long Legs
Designed in case of a fuel shortage, this armour provides proper transport powered completely
by the wearer.

As well as being able to outrun enemies, it can also crush them underfoot (see below):

Entry #2: Ridiculously Large Fists

Designed for simply beating the crap out of anyone who defies you. Although I suppose you could climb with them.

Not a great day for the Fat Controller.

Entry #3: Ridiculously Large Head

At first I couldn't think of a mission for this. But now I have several. You could take advantage of the huge eyes to see and the huge mouth to yell in your enemies' ears. You could solve puzzles with all the extra brain power or you could simply confuse people. I dunno.

Note the black "hat".

Entry #4: Ridiculously Large.....Everything!

My final mech is actually just the other three pasted together.

Due to the sheer weight on the legs I had to add an extra brick to create a suitable centre of balance.

And to be fair, I added a weakness. One shot to the back and it's all over.

Well, that's it. Let's see if I do any better than my last attempt.